Landscape on Wood

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A landscape painting in ink on a found round piece of wood, supposed to be for a chopping board. I just added a single D hook to the back and it was ready to hand. I have really enjoyed experimenting with Ink on wood, I think it may be the start of a new series…

The Forest by a Lake is an imaginative landscape, I went with the natural grain of the wood to inspire my image.

Etsy Link

Red Sky at Night- Ink Landscape of Red Maple Trees in Snow

red pink white landscapered pink white landscape3

I think of this landscape as an experiment in painting using one colour tone, like black and white, but instead with red (though I have added a few different hues into the mix).

Reading a little about red maple trees, they are traditionally connected with ideas about positive thinking, balance, promise and practicality. Native American wisdom says that a Maple Tree flourishes from human love and attention.

I’m afraid I may have to give up painting snow soon as January is nearly over.

Etsy link to Landscape.

Snowy River, New York


I’ve started working on some small canvases and turned to some photographs I took during teh snow in New York this March, for inspiration. For this painting, I used this photograph:


And the next day I was in Central Park and the snow had all been melted away. Every time I visit New York there’s something new and incredible to photograph.

Etsy Link

Tree with snowy owl- Hand Printed and Finishing details by hand



I haven’t made linocuts in a long time, but they are a lot of fun.

I got some colored murano paper over Christmas, and am looking forward to trying it out with different prints. I added the owl by hand- I like the potential to do lots of different things with your designs after printing.